Title Search Georgia is led by Bill Ogden. As a title industry professional with experience dating back to 1987, Bill has filled a variety of roles. Beginning as a temporary employee with a leader in the secured lending industry, he worked his way through the ranks and was transferred to Atlanta to open and manage a branch office. In 1994, the newly formed Georgia Clerk’s Authority reached out to him for input in creating the early portions of the website that is still used today. In 1997, Bill founded a title abstracting company that rapidly grew to 14 employees and a million dollars in annual revenue. It was during his time as a small business owner that he became proficient and confident in commercial title abstracting. After selling the business in2008, he worked first as a consultant, then in new roles for a title insurance agent and a major title insurance company, serving both those organizations as an examiner of heavy commercial properties in multiple states. With literally billions of dollars of commercial real estate personally examined, he is one of the area’s leading experts in commercial abstracting.